Allison M. Shapira

Monday, June 20, 2005

The Perfect Job

BTW - Here is my latest list of ideal jobs:

  1. US Diplomat - traveling the world for 2-4 years at a time. Imagine: the State Dept. PAYS for you to learn a new language, in addition to taking care of housing. You arrive at a new destination with locals ready to help you learn the culture. This is the closest thing to perfect that I can imagine. It fills me with a sense of purpose and idealism. It makes me swoon with the international possibilities. I can't stand it - it's too exciting and too impractical with a genius husband to think about too much. And yet...

  2. Public Servant - I'm really starting to be intrigued about becoming involved in local politics. It's something I've always thought about, but certain professional realities are making it seem more like a possibility and less like a daydream. Ideally, being able to affect both local and foreign policy issues at once would be my preference.

  3. International Communications Director - for a large company with offices throughout the world. Ideally I would be sent to these offices for extended periods of time (up to a month) to oversee their communications practices and standardize messaging.

  4. Executive Director or Director of Marketing - for an international language school. Ideally I would like to travel abroad to market the school to various audiences. As a result of my own experiences at such schools, which was PHENOMINAL to save the least, I would love the possibility of reliving the experiences of each and every student as they learn their new city one step at a time. I could help them become at ease, give them tours, plan events, find housing for them, and just enjoy the experience.

Interested parties - please contact me directly!



Blogger Ilana Reeves said...

Don't have time to read right now, but will in the future. Congrats on the blog!

1:54 PM  

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