The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things

Beginnings are always filled with grand expectations, but sometimes they start out as large blanks that you wait to fill in. You know you'll fill them in with something wonderful, but they start out blank just the same.
Starting this new job, I am filled with a renewed sense of purpose. I see the possibilities and opportunities, and I literally cannot wait to see who I will become as a result.
What will I look like as a professional in 5 years? What will I have accomplished? I have absolutely no idea, but I know it will be of enormous significance.
Once when I was in Cyprus, I had an amazing dream. I came home to find that my messy suitcase had been packed and was ready to go. Someone said to me "It's the official luggage packers. They pack your bags to prepare you for an important mission."
Actually the dream was in Italian, so the luggage packers were "I Preparavaligiatori del Presidente."
Ma comunque, I remember this dream because it filled me with a sense of purpose, as if some goal I have been reaching for had finally been achieved, as if I had arrived at some long-awaited destination.
Although I firmly believe in self-empowerment, that we have the ability to change our lives and improve ourselves for the better, no matter what, there is still some comfort to the idea that good things are meant to happen.
Who will you become in the next 5 years?
That was so quick! I published this literally 30 seconds ago.
Are you stalking me, G?
good evening alli, what is your new job??
ps; i downloaded a justine suissa song this afternoon & thought of you. i think that it's called sea waves or something.
ps2; can you convince your husband to come to memphis this summer ;) i miss you guys!
Of shoes and ships and sealing wax......
of cabbages and kings and why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings
Hi Alli,
Are you comming to Australia?
Hi Sam,
What do you mean, coming to Australia?!
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