Allison M. Shapira

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thomas Friedman had a great editorial in today's New York Times. In full disclosure, I think most of his editorials are excellent, but this one in particular captured me from a marketing communications perspective.

He talks about needing a different approach or "on-ramp" when speaking to different groups about global warming. You can't walk into a dangerous neighborhood speaking to people about the danger of climate change when they're worried about drive-by shootings and neighborhood gangs. You have to phrase it in a way that actually takes into account their concerns and incentives.

This idea of different "on-ramps" or "entry points" onto the highway of a social or environmental movement highlights a basic tenet of marketing, public speaking, advertising - in short, communication - which is: know your audience. Who are they, and what message are you trying to get across? Knowing this in advance of your conversation or campaign will greatly increase the chance that the other person will hear you.


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